Friday, September 4, 2009

We are not Videographers

A Mediographer is a person who - not in any particular order - writes, shoots, edits, directs, produces, scouts, schmoozes, masters (whatever that means) records audio, teleprompts, compresses video, makes dvds, tosses in a little design, takes decents stills, steals some music - I mean learns how to use Soundtrack, interviews, redecorates, landscapes, troubleshoots the computer, sets lights and mics, powders the talent, does her own v.o. when there's no budget or it's 3 in the morning, maybe makes a gimpy website and then, hopefully, pulls in a 'median income' for himself. And that's just to start. "Videographer?" Give me a break. As if all we have to do is show and and push the button. ha.

From the time i was a grip/electric working on feature films, (The Rainmaker to be more specific) I wanted to be in charge of my own self. Yes. I would make my own videos - miserably small the budgets would be - but I would not have to hump electric cable and lights 20 hours a day for wretched Hollywood types. My friend David Leonard and I bought a Casablanca - the first self-contained and affordable non-linear edit system, and a Sony V5000 DVCam (hey maybe that one was Hi-8) in Memphis and set ourselves up in business. That was 1996 and the BetaCam guys thought we were crazy - but we didn't have $2000-a-month camera notes. That's my definition of crazy. Our first job was for "Woodhaven Funeral Home", conveniently located in in the rolling hills of rural northwest Shelby County." Hey I wrote that. The budget was $300. Don't ask about "Babyland." Maybe I can find that video somewhere....anybody got a 3/4 deck?

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