Friday, April 23, 2010

DSLR Procrastinating

I have been spending way to much time reading about and comparing all the video enabled digital still camera options. I've had Nikon cameras around for most of my life; my dad brought back a really cool Nikkormat system from Japan in the 70's. Thing is, Canon has been kicking Nikon's butt for the last year or so by bringing out more and more great dslrs with superior video formats and better usability. Accessory makers are pulling out all the stops to make them handle and focus better. The prices of the cameras are about one third of that of regular video cameras. Although they aren't going to fully replace traditional camcorders, Canon has serious filmmakers going nuts over the amazing image quality. The season finale of House is being shot on a Canon EOS still camera. Amazing. If Nikon doesn't get with the program this summer with some righteous catching up, I fear i will be mothballing all the Nikon lenses and heading to Canonland-specifically the Canon EOS 7d. Checkout DP Phillip Bloom's site/blog and for a great and exhaustive dslr comparison. (links below)

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